Friedrich  K. Moeckel

Friedrich K. Moeckel

Friedrich "Fritz" Moeckel was born and raised outside Washington D.C. in Bethesda, Maryland. In 1995, he graduated from Arizona State University, where he earned a B.A. in history, and from 1995 to 2001, he worked at Arizona Legislative Council. In 2004, Fritz received his J.D. from UNH School of Law (formerly Franklin Pierce Law Center) and was admitted to the New Hampshire Bar.  Fritz was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 2005.

Fritz represents clients involved in complex civil, commercial and corporate litigation.  Fritz's broad practice enables him to assist clients with creditor's rights and lending matters as well as elderly financial abuse.  

Fritz also maintains his practice of land use law and litigation, where he represents property owners against municipalities.  Fritz's practice also includes appellate work, where he has briefed and argued numerous cases before the New Hampshire Supreme Court.

Fritz's goal as an attorney is to tie common sense and his understanding of economics and economic realities to the law and the practice of law to provide thoughtful and practical advice to clients while also providing effective and successful results.

Fritz sits on the Board of Trustees for the Friends Program in Concord.
Fritz has taught Computer Law and Ethics at the University of New Hampshire as an adjunct professor.

Fritz lives with his family in Concord, New Hampshire and devotes his free time to outdoor activities, mainly skiing in the winter and hiking and camping in the summer.

You can email Friedrich at